الأحد، 25 نوفمبر 2012

7th week of web technology 
In this week we learned some information about javascript and how much that
 would be important for any site for that.
The most important sites use java-scripts in building web sites.By java scripts
 we can make:
2.Complex element selection
4.Event handling  
In in the lab, we tried to change some ready codes for pages and changing
some photo`s for using them in slideshow and fade.
6th week web technology module

The lecutre was about web server and the history of it . 
the teacher talked about LAMP stack. after that he told us about ftp 
and some applications . in the end he teaches us about downloading
 and applying the programmers for ftp and web pages. 
in the lab we downloaded a software to make a database and modify the
 permission.Then we login in our pages
on WWW.user1.worldpress.info then we download ftp Clint from net2ftp.com

then we started to make out page by adding some posts  links and changing 
the background and colors .

الأربعاء، 10 أكتوبر 2012

                                                                       First day in web technology course

on last monday we took the first lesson in the web technology course and the teacher was Mr.jonathan , we started with knowing the students names then the teacher started to explain about the course .then he dived us to 2 groups  to discuss about 2 good sites and 2 bad sites .therefor,our group choose  BBC.UK.CO  and ALJAZEERA.NET as good sites for many reason .firstly , nice appearance and compatible colors .  secondly , clear words and easy to read . finally , it has pictures video`s  , live-streaming and in different

The bad site was xerox.com    .  for many reason , firstly , its just one page and much many colors . mixedthe colors.secondly, the appearance is not nice  and the words are not clear to read . finally , it has two lists for the same place .