الأربعاء، 10 أكتوبر 2012

                                                                       First day in web technology course

on last monday we took the first lesson in the web technology course and the teacher was Mr.jonathan , we started with knowing the students names then the teacher started to explain about the course .then he dived us to 2 groups  to discuss about 2 good sites and 2 bad sites .therefor,our group choose  BBC.UK.CO  and ALJAZEERA.NET as good sites for many reason .firstly , nice appearance and compatible colors .  secondly , clear words and easy to read . finally , it has pictures video`s  , live-streaming and in different

The bad site was xerox.com    .  for many reason , firstly , its just one page and much many colors . mixedthe colors.secondly, the appearance is not nice  and the words are not clear to read . finally , it has two lists for the same place .